說明: |
這個片語是以「頭在雲端裡」的字面意思,來引申比喻人「發呆;不切實際;做白日夢」。 |
示範句: |
Even though Bill is not musical at all, he dreams of becoming a rock star. His |
head is really in the clouds. |
即使比利一點都不懂音樂,仍夢想成為一位搖滾巨星,真是在做白日夢。 |
會話這樣說: |
Rick: I have Andy as my lab partner in science class this year.
瑞克:今年我跟安迪科學實驗同組。 |
Janine: He'll be of no help at all. His head is always in the clouds. |
珍妮:他什麼忙都幫不上。他做實驗都在發呆。 |
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