"The Maestro fought a long, tough battle against the pancreatic cancer which eventually took his life," said manager Terri Robson in an e-mail statement to the Associated Press. |
"In fitting with the approach that characterized his life and work, he remained positive until finally succumbing to the last stages of his illness." |
帕華洛帝的經紀人泰瑞.羅賓森在對美聯社發出的一份電子聲明中表示:「帕華洛帝大師和胰臟癌搏鬥了很長一段時間,終因不敵病魔而辭世。他一直到了生病的最後階段才臣服於病魔,這點和他對於人生以及工作的態度相當一致。」 |
Known by those who adored him simply as "The Maestro," Pavoratti rose from humble beginnings as the son of a village baker to become one of the most recognizable cultural figures of the postwar era. |
His clear, pristine tones led to his being dubbed the "King of the High Cs" and set a standard for tenors of his time. |
崇拜他的人只管稱他為「大師」,帕華洛帝出身寒微,他從一名小村莊裡麵包師傅的孩子,成為戰後歌劇界知名度最高的文化界人物。他那清亮、純淨的嗓音使他被冠上「高音 C 歌王」的封號,並為當代男高音樹立了標竿。 |
In recent years, his public performances became a rarity. |
After undergoing surgery for cancer in 2006 -- his first of several operations -- Pavoratti stopped making public appearances altogether. |
近年來,帕華洛帝的公開演出次數銳減。他在二○○六年接受癌症手術後便不再公開露面,此後他又動了數次手術。 |
It was Pavoratti's warm, expansive personality that pushed his popularity beyond the confines of the opera hall. |
In the 1980s he brought opera to the masses with the enormously popular Three Tenors project, a collaboration with fellow opera titans Placidio Domingo and Jose Carreras. |
His audience broadened even further with his Pavoratti and Friends charity concerts during the 1990s in which he performed side-by-side with pop stars such as Sting, Bono and Elton John. |
帕華洛帝溫暖、豪爽的個性,使他在歌劇院以外的地方同樣受到歡迎。一九八○年代,他和同為歌劇天王的多明哥與卡列拉斯合作,透過大受歡迎的三大男高音計畫向大眾推廣歌劇。一九九○年代,他和史汀、波諾及艾爾頓.強等流行樂明星同台演出《帕華洛帝和流行群星慈善音樂會》,更進一步拓展了他的聽眾群。 |
Pavoratti originally studied to be a teacher and taught for two years before shifting to a career as a professional singer. |
He quickly made a name for himself by winning an international singing competition in 1961. |
Later in life, some purists criticized him for "dumbing down" opera, a claim he countered by arguing that his popularity helped preserve and expand the medium. |
帕華洛帝最初唸完書後想當老師,他在教了兩年書後改行成為一名職業歌手。很快他就在一九六一年一場國際歌唱比賽中奪下冠軍而聲名大噪。在他生命的後期,有些歌劇的純粹派人士批評他糟蹋了歌劇,帕華洛帝則反擊這項指控,辯稱他受歡迎的程度反而有助保存並拓展歌劇這項藝術。 |
"I realized the importance of bringing opera to the masses," he told Opera News in 1998. |
"I think there were people who didn't know what opera was before." |
帕華洛帝在一九九八年時告訴《歌劇新聞》:「我意識到將歌劇介紹給大眾的重要性,我認為有些人以前根本不知歌劇為何物。」 |